goddess Wisdom Council


Are you a conscious entrepreneur, holistic healer, innovative leader, or just seeking a community of like-minded individuals?

Look no further than BECOMING.

our GWC community membership includes a transformative monthly group coaching video call designed to support and empower you on your personal and professional journey.

Our Becoming Monthly Calls are

the Last Thursday of each month from

9:00 - 10:30pm EST


The Goddess Wisdom Council created BECOMING because we believe in the power of connection and collective growth. Our community is made up of extraordinary individuals who share a common vision and are committed to supporting each other's growth and success. Together, we create a safe space where you are celebrated as you thrive and flourish, and held when you are working through challenges.

Led by experienced and insightful coaches, each month's call revolves around a specific theme that resonates with our personal lives and the collective consciousness.

"There's a magical ripple effect of time spent with GWC. Days later, I continue to glean clarity and inspiration. Sharing this sacred space for expression and development with this marvelous community of women remains a favorite investment of time each month!"

- Laura Phoenix Power

Led by the experienced and insightful Goddess Wisdom Council

Each month's call revolves around a specific theme that resonates with our personal lives and the collective consciousness. These themes are carefully selected to address areas of your life that may not feel aligned with what you are seeking. Whether it's finding balance, overcoming self-limiting beliefs, or stepping into your authentic power, our virtual gatherings provide guidance and support to help you navigate these challenges.


Guidance from Renowned Coaches:

Meet Yvonna, Yadi, Anita, and Cora—our celebrated coaches who provide guidance, practical tools, and tips to help you overcome obstacles and become the best version of yourself.

"Working with the GWC has been magical, healing, and inspiring."

-Traci Sharpe

"I've learned to Embrace My Shadow while cultivating a Deeper sense of Self Intimacy and Discovery without Shame. Surrounded by the Magnificence of This Community. I'm not who I was, yet, who I've Always Been. My footing is Sure even when I'm unsteady. Y'all Are Doin the Damn Thing and I'm eternally Grateful,"

-Lory Sans-Clark

Monthly Group Coaching Calls:

One group video coaching call on the last Thursday of every month from 9pm- 10:30 pm.

Monthly Exercises and Journaling Prompts:

Gain valuable insights and strategies through monthly exercises, goals, and journaling prompts that coincide with the theme for the month.

"…working with the GWC has been like working with keys that have unlocked doors that were hidden to me. Forever changed..."

-Chanita Lewis-Watson

"Being a part of the GWC community feels like being reborn. Looking at the world through brand new eyes, with old wisdom being instilled. I feel so much more secure, grounded and confident in who I am, where I am and where I'm headed. I am looking forward to becoming everything I was ever meant to be."

-Jazelle Marie

Vibrant Community:

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals on a journey of growth and self-discovery. Our community provides a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate achievements.

Exclusive Deals and Promotions:

Enjoy special insider deals and promotions on all of our retreats and offerings.

"Being a part of this community has been life altering for me. I feel more settled and more grounded in who I am. My toolbox for dealing with life has increased greatly since joining the group."

-Sebrena Tate, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Doula

I'm ready to be supported in community!

Embracing Diversity

What sets BECOMING apart is the emphasis on continuous growth and expansion while celebrating our diversity. The Goddess Wisdom Council stands tall in the knowingness that it is through diversity that we find wholeness. We pay homage to the ancestors who made it possible for our generation to have access to the richness of our cultural practices. We honor and embrace wisdom traditions from around the world, ensuring that our retreats, live events, and virtual community are readily accessible to ALL who desire to evolve in mind, body, and soul.

Join us in creating a community that celebrates diversity and fosters wholeness.

The Power of Community

Did you know that many studies show that being part of a healthy community enhances our immune system, promotes emotional well-being, and even activates brain functions that help us gain a higher perspective on our lives?

According to the American Psychological Association, actively engaging in community "keeps us less likely to die from ALL causes, including heart problems and a whole range of chronic diseases." Apparently the "risks of social isolation" from loneliness increase the risk of early death as much as 26%!

Ready to Join?

Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals. Take the next step on your path by joining BECOMING, the monthly group life coaching membership that empowers you to become the best version of yourself. Experience the power of connection, collective growth, and celebration. Join BECOMING today and embark on a transformative journey toward alignment, fulfillment, and success.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals. Take the next step in your journey by joining BECOMING, the monthly group life coaching membership that empowers you to become the best version of yourself. Experience the power of connection, collective growth, and celebration. Join BECOMING today and embark on a transformative journey toward alignment, fulfillment, and success.

Embark on a transformative journey with us.

Sign up today!

Still Unsure?

We understand that personal and professional growth is an ongoing journey.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions:

What is your sense about joining the Goddess Wisdom Council in BECOMING? What do you stand to gain?

What are your fears and hesitations? List them out.

Review your list of fears and hesitations. Are these valid concerns or old stories that have stunted your growth in the past?

Write a letter to your form of higher reference (God, Source Energy, etc.) and share what you wish to experience from a diverse community like ours.

When you're ready to be seen in your greatness and held in your weakness by an amazing community, we'll be thrilled to greet you on the other side. For now here is more about us,