It has been said that wisdom cannot be taught...

it can only be remembered

It has been said that wisdom cannot be taught...

it can only be remembered

The Goddess Wisdom Council stands tall in the knowingness that it is through diversity that we find wholeness


BECOMING is our community membership that includes a  transformative monthly group coaching video call designed to support and empower you on your personal and professional journey.

How to work with us

It takes a village for sustainable growth and transformation


Monthly Community Calls




Private Session with the GWC


In Person Community Wellness


How to work with us

It takes a village for sustainable growth and transformation


Monthly Community Calls




Private Session with the GWC


In Person Community Wellness


"They've helped me embody the true essence of unconditional self-love"

"GWC has been an integral part of my evolution over the past 3 1/2 years. They've helped me embody the true essence of unconditional self-love by reflecting back to me the Goddess within. Our monthly calls and yearly retreats have taught me the absolute necessity of a supportive community.

I'm forever grateful for GWC."

-Alana Owens

"GWC has been an integral part of my evolution over the past 3 1/2 years. They've helped me embody the true essence of unconditional self-love by reflecting back to me the Goddess within. Our monthly calls and yearly retreats have taught me the absolute necessity of a supportive community. I'm forever grateful for GWC"

-Alana Owens

-Alana "They've helped me embody the true essence of unconditional self-love"

Our Origin Story

In 2016, Cora had a dream of a specific group of women meeting together on Kauai in Hawaii. Anita, Yadi, and Yvonna were three women who answered this call.

The time together was EPIC. We coached one another, met with an Indigenous Wisdom Council who happened to be on Kauai at the same time, went on sacred hikes, healed, grew, and transformed.

The Council was formed.

We have now been meeting every week over Zoom since then. We have led several incredible retreats for Soul Family. We have met in person multiple times to bond and create. We have seen one another through divorces, births, home upgrades, career milestones, deaths, illnesses, heartbreaks, heart openings, and EVERYTHING in between.

We are family. Soul Family.

As seen in

The News Room

Click to Watch and Read More About Us Below

Shape Magazine- Discover Boating "being present"

Yvonna teaches Personal Power Yoga Class

Heart & Soul Magazine Article

Good Morning America with chalamagne tha God (Yadi)

Drew Barrymore Show with Anita

Angela Rye Praises Yadi