
What People Are Saying About The GWC

"When I talk about the retreat I get shivers, it was life changing, I can talk about me before the retreat and me post retreat. I have stepped to a whole new level. I had the feeling that some channel opened for me to let my light shine. I am more honest with myself and more people are reaching for me, opening their hearts. I have new sisters supporting me day by day and I have new insights of who I am and a connection with myself and the universe at the same time. I learned to trust my instincts and be true to myself."

- Ivette, "It was life changing"

"When I talk about the retreat I get shivers, it was life changing, I can talk about me before the retreat and me post retreat. I have stepped to a whole new level. I had the feeling that some channel opened for me to let my light shine. I am more honest with myself and more people are reaching for me, opening their hearts. I have new sisters supporting me day by day and I have new insights of who I am and a connection with myself and the universe at the same time. I learned to trust my instincts and be true to myself."

- Ivette, "It was life changing"

"Humbly before this Council I offer my testimony to the collective power all of you have to receive and direct Change. As women, the time and seasons of our lives demand the acceptance of Change. At times, we are capable of grace & understanding -resulting in growth. At times, our resistance to Change causes extreme distress and pain sometimes resulting in stagnation, isolation and becoming the “other”.

This place is not the desired destination mentally emotionally or spiritually, yet we resist still and the pain remains. Sometimes unbearably so. I believe that by and through our association with other women -Restoring our Goddess, forming deep and lifelong relationships with women of depth. Women of experience. Women of power. Women who willing submit to Change in truth; that group can bear any individual burden. We can fully celebrate joy and properly morn any loss, cease any violation any Change. Time is no longer the enemy. The collective time of all our lives that we shared together was the most nourishing I have ever experienced. I did not expect to fall in love with all of you. I did not expect anything. Yet I left with my heart full, my soul singing and my hands longing to do the work of the future with all of you.I am so grateful for this council what it represents what it can and will do. I is my honor to Restore My Goddess with You. Thank you for the Change."

- Misty, "Thank you for the change"

"I always knew I was special.  I was labeled eclectic, free spirit, and before her time.  But after this retreat, the word that describes me best is Goddess.  I'm clear.  That is who I am.  Who I have aways been.  I was reminded during this divinely orchestrated event of this truth.  There's no turning back.  I remember and I am going to live my life reminding other women I meet- who they are as well.   My light is just too damn bright.  I must share.  I must remind others.  It is my duty.  My life's work."

- Syntyché, "I'm clear"

"The Restore Your Goddess Retreat was the greatest week of my life. I've often wondered what the best time of my life has been, and now I know. As a result of the time spent with incredible women, I am now so in love with myself and so aligned in my purpose like never before. I feel like I've gained mothers, sisters, and best friends all at once. I'm overflowing with the abundance of love from this experience and every moment since then I have walked in spirit with these women I now call home. To become so clear on how to spend one's life as a divine gift and life's answer to the question of why we are here is the most liberating thing I've every experienced. I did not walk in faith before this week, now I am fully aligned in knowing that serving others in spirit and love is my calling."

- Caroline, "Greatest week of my life"

"I signed up for the Restore Your Goddess Retreat because it sounded like a nice break to rest and recharge from everyday life. What actually took place was nothing short of magic. It was the most amazing experience that awakened all of my senses. Everything from the beautiful ranch, flowers, scents, food and incredibly beautiful souls there, to the workshops, were divinely curated. I still don't understand how walking into a group of people I've never met in person (minus 1) ended up feeling like a really fun girls trip and 17 years worth of therapeutic healing."

- Christian, "Nothing short of magic"

“Restore Your Goddess Retreat was a graduation into my inner goddess. The time spent was sacred. The love received was unconditional. The support provided was vast. The attention to detail throughout each session was beautiful. The kindness of the wisdom council was spiritually felt. The plant-based food was flavorful, healthy and nutritious. I arrived to the retreat feeling empty and full of pain. I left Sonoma, California with immense gratitude and love for not only the journey we all embarked on together but as the Wisdom Council guided us into our power we also created long lasting friendships of a new tribe of sisters. Restore Your Goddess Retreat restored my power, my purpose, my pain, my suffering and my life. Forever thankful for this experience and the courage of the Wisdom Council to say yes to the calling.”

- Eva, "A new tribe of sisters"

“Restore Your Goddess Retreat was a graduation into my inner goddess. The time spent was sacred. The love received was unconditional. The support provided was vast. The attention to detail throughout each session was beautiful. The kindness of the wisdom council was spiritually felt. The plant-based food was flavorful, healthy and nutritious. I arrived to the retreat feeling empty and full of pain. I left Sonoma, California with immense gratitude and love for not only the journey we all embarked on together but as the Wisdom Council guided us into our power we also created long lasting friendships of a new tribe of sisters. Restore Your Goddess Retreat restored my power, my purpose, my pain, my suffering and my life. Forever thankful for this experience and the courage of the Wisdom Council to say yes to the calling.”

- Eva, "A new tribe of sisters"

"Oh gosh!! How can I find words for all that occurred?!!?Magic! Total transformation!!!

Laughter!!!!!! LOOOOOOOVEEEE!!!

Joy!!! Fun!!!


New FOREVER friends!!!!

Glorious food!!!! Ancient!!! Connection!!!! Infinite!!!

This doesn’t do it justice but my heart is so full I’m walking around on love!

And oh my GODDESS Bali here we come!!!!"

- Krissy, "Total transformation"

"It is difficult to put into words all the gifts I was able to receive. From the moment I arrived, there was feeling of love, openness and just a sacred space to let myself in. The wisdom council was a brilliant, beautiful collective of women that shared their intimate journeys with each one of us, whether it was through heart centered yoga sessions, powerful teaching testimonials or spiritual guided meditation they all felt naturally woven together to create an authentic and powerful journey. "

- Kristina, "The powerful light within myself"

"There's a magical ripple effect of time spent with GWC. Days later, I continue to glean clarity and inspiration. Sharing this sacred space for expression and development with this marvelous community of women remains a favorite investment of time each month!"

- Laura Phoenix Power

"I've learned to Embrace My Shadow while cultivating a Deeper sense of Self Intimacy and Discovery without Shame. Surrounded by the Magnificence of This Community. I'm not who I was, yet, who I've Always Been. My footing is Sure even when I'm unsteady. Y'all Are Doin the Damn Thing and I'm eternally Grateful,"

- Lory Sans-Clark

"Being a part of this community has been life altering for me. I feel more settled and more grounded in who I am. My toolbox for dealing with life has increased greatly since joining the group."

- Sebrena Tate, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Doula

"You are doing some of the great work of our time. The healing of the emotional psyche of women is extremely important. The rising up of fully alive, healed women at this time in Human history speaks to the possibility of a real civil society In which love and compassion are its foundation. And of course joy, bliss, Ecstasy and real happiness get to reign supreme in a societal community where women are fully empowered.

In the midst of all the history that’s unfolding right now in front of our eyes...one thing is for sure, The mute button on women has been turned off and life as we know it will not be the same. Our society will evolve on the powerful energies of women who love themselves and are powerful enough to be themselves.

I’m sure that the retreat you just had is a part of this powerful energy. The size of the retreat, which is really an advantage, does not matter. One woman Rising affects countless individuals on a vibrational level. Keep on keeping on and congratulations! Peace and richest blessings"

- Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith

Spiritual Leader Agape International Spiritual Center

"They've helped me embody the true essence of unconditional self-love"

"GWC has been an integral part of my evolution over the past 3 1/2 years. They've helped me embody the true essence of unconditional self-love by reflecting back to me the Goddess within. Our monthly calls and yearly retreats have taught me the absolute necessity of a supportive community.

Im forever grateful for GWC"

- Alana Owens

"Working with the GWC has been magical, healing, and inspiring.""

- Traci Sharpe

"…working with the GWC has been like working with keys that have unlocked doors that were hidden to me. Forever changed..."

- Chanita Lewis-Watson

"You are doing some of the great work of our time. The healing of the emotional psyche of women is extremely important. The rising up of fully alive, healed women at this time in Human history speaks to the possibility of a real civil society In which love and compassion are its foundation. And of course joy, bliss, Ecstasy and real happiness get to reign supreme in a societal community where women are fully empowered.

In the midst of all the history that’s unfolding right now in front of our eyes...one thing is for sure, The mute button on women has been turned off and life as we know it will not be the same. Our society will evolve on the powerful energies of women who love themselves and are powerful enough to be themselves.

I’m sure that the retreat you just had is a part of this powerful energy. The size of the retreat, which is really an advantage, does not matter. One woman Rising affects countless individuals on a vibrational level. Keep on keeping on and congratulations! Peace and richest blessings"

- Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith

Spiritual Leader Agape International Spiritual Center