In 2016, Cora had a dream of a specific group of women meeting together on Kauai in Hawaii. Anita, Yadi, and Yvonna were three women who answered this call.

The time together was EPIC. We coached one another, met with an Indigenous Wisdom Council who happened to be on Kauai at the same time, went on sacred hikes, healed, grew, and transformed.

The Council was formed.

We have now been meeting every week over Zoom since then. We have led 4 incredible retreats for Soul Family. We have met in person multiple times to bond and create. We have seen one another through divorces, births, home upgrades, career milestones, deaths, illnesses, heartbreaks, heart openings, and EVERYTHING in between.

We are family. Soul Family.

We are surrounded by the most spectacular group of people we can imagine. The GWC, as well as all the women and men who have joined our retreats, workshops, and our Membership Community. We all inspire each other to rise in every way.

We have each other’s backs, fronts, and sides. We celebrate each other’s wins and mourn each other’s losses as if they are happening to each of us. We lift each other up.

Take a look around? Who are the five people you spent the most time with? How do you feel about that? Do they inspire you? Do you want to be more like them? Are they role models?

If not, that’s totally okay. We’ve been there. But now,
what are you going to do about that?

A first amazing step could be to check out our

Membership Community, Becoming!

You will instantly be connected to Hype Team, Soul Family.

We, as the Goddess Wisdom Council, wanted to take this moment to give you a gift. It’s a short 10-minute video on how we can help you overcome obstacles and unlock your full potential. 

as seen in...

Some of our offerings

Explain in a brief sentence or two, what these packages include and how you can help.


Monthly Community Calls




Private Session with the GWC


In Person Community Wellness



Monthly Community Calls




Private Session with the GWC


In Person Community Wellness


Video Testimonials

Kind words about the GWC

Get started with our Free Gift
"Get Unstuck"